Fatigue Risk Management Support

Implementing a successful FRM system

As a crucial part of the Safety Management System, Fatigue Risk Management is a data-driven approach which continuously monitors and manages fatigue-related safety risks based upon scientific principles and knowledge. Our services in the field of Fatigue Risk Management comprise a gap analysis, consulting, development and implementation of the Fatigue Risk Management System into your company, as well as a 3-day training course on FRM that will provide you with practical tools for integrating the FRM in an SMS.


AQS’* commitment to assigning the best experts to our project was the main pillar of our success. They cooperate skillfully, bridging Fatigue Management requirements with existing SMS procedures in a very effective way. AQS gave us the right knowledge to support our business for the years to come.

Alessandro Borsati

Air Dolomiti, Production Manager

*AQS is now LGQS


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